Read Pastor Brock's latest on Facebook by clicking the blue FACEBOOK box below !! Tom Brock ![]() Read Pastor Brock's latest Tweets on Twitter by clicking the TWEETS link below !! ARTICLES BY: PASTOR TOM BROCK MY STRUGGLE WITH SAME SEX ATTRACTION WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY? PASTOR TOM BROCK Tom Brock was born in Omaha, Nebraska and graduated from Bethel College in St. Paul Minnesota with a degree in Biblical and Theological Studies. He received a Masters of Divinity degree from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was ordained a Lutheran pastor in 1979 and served Hope Lutheran Church in Minneapolis for 29 years. He served on the board of reform groups attempting to bring Biblical renewal to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America before he left that denomination over their position on issues such as abortion, homosexuality and universalism. Pastor Brock for 24 years has had a television ministry in Minneapolis and now can be seen nationwide. Watch us every week on: CTN - Christian Television Network Channel 267 - Dish Network Channel 376 - DirecTV Channel 136 - SkyAngel Channel 117 - Glory Star Mondays at 5:30pm Central Time ------------------------ MCN - Metro Cable Network Channel 6 - Twin Cities Metro Sundays at 10:30pm CT and Wednesdays at 6:30pm Central Time ----------------------- KXLT - FOX 47 Rochester, MN Sundays at 9:00am ________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Online payments made above are securely processed by PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to make an online donation. All donations are tax deductible under the 501c3 IRS regulations (U.S.) donations are tax deductible!! SEND CHECKS TO: The Pastor's Study PO BOX 41294 Minneapolis, MN 55441 THANK YOU! WHAT WE BELIEVE: We believe in the Triune God, the one God who exists in three eternal Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God the Son became a man (Jesus), died for our sins and rose from the dead and through Him alone one can receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. We affirm the substitutionary atonement of Christ, namely, that Jesus lived a perfect life and suffered the wrath of God in our place to make payment for the sins of mankind. We affirm Christ’s bodily resurrection from the dead. We believe that faith in Christ is necessary for salvation and those without Christ will not be saved (John 14:6). We believe we are saved by the unmerited grace of God and not by our good deeds. We believe that good deeds are the evidence of our faith. We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, the highest authority to which the Christian submits. All theology, morality, teaching and opinion should be judged by the Holy Scriptures. We reject attempts to rewrite Scripture to eliminate masculine references for God. We view pre-marital sex, abortion, and homosexual behavior as inconsistent with God’s Word. We believe there is forgiveness for these sins, and all sin, through repentance and faith in Christ. OUR VISION: To set people free by preaching the truth of Christ for the salvation of the lost and for the correction and edification of the Church. OUR MISSION: People will be set free and the Church will be edified through our television and radio programs, through the internet, through our literature, and through speaking/preaching engagements and seminars. DO YOU NEED A SPEAKER FOR YOUR CHURCH OR EVENT? CONTACT PASTOR TOM BROCK PHONE: 763-260-4484 EMAIL: YOU CAN STILL LISTEN TO AND DOWNLOAD COPIES OF OUR OLD PASTOR'S STUDY RADIO SHOW! BY CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW:
donations are tax deductible!! SEND CHECKS TO: The Pastor's Study PO BOX 41294 Minneapolis, MN 55441
Watch us every Monday on: CTN - Christian Television Network 6:30pm Eastern Time - 5:30pm Central Time - 4:30pm Mountain Time - 3:30pm Pacific Time
You can also find all of our videos on our YOUTUBE channel: OR view all of our TV shows at the bottom of this page, just click on the program title to watch it. Our Pastor's Study News Letter! May/June 2014 Pastor’s Study News Letter Dear Friend of The Pastor’s Study, Something happened recently that is huge, but I'm afraid went over the heads of many people. A Christian photographer in New Mexico refused to photograph a lesbian commitment ceremony because it violated her religious beliefs. The State of New Mexico fined her $8000. The case was appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, but the Court declined to hear to case. So the lower court ruling stands, she has to pay $8000. Think about what this means. Christian photographers, caterers, florists, bakers, etc. must now violate their conscience and help with a gay ”marriage” or they can be fined. One baker in Oregon has already closed shop because of this issue. In another attack on religious freedom, the Obama administration is trying to force a group of Catholic nuns who run nursing homes (the Little Sisters of the Poor) to become complicit in paying for contraceptives. That case is now awaiting a decision by the Supreme Court (please pray!). Also awaiting a Supreme Court decision is Hobby Lobby, a business run by evangelical Christians who do not want to pay for abortifacients under Obama's healthcare mandate. Again, please pray! Yesterday we taped a show that will soon appear on TV and also on our website called ”Are We Losing Our Religious Liberties?” Your faithful giving has enabled us to buy the airtime to air this important program. These are days that Christians need to stand up and stop being quiet. I think the reason we now have homosexual ”marriage” in a number of states is because even conservative pastors refused to publicly take a stand. Thank YOU for the stand you are taking in helping us air these important programs. And if you are troubled by what is happening in the USA, Canada is worse. I recently received the following email from a Canadian young man who watches our TV shows at our website ( I stumbled upon your videos at random when looking on Youtube for scripturally-sound advice. I live in Quebec, Canada, a Catholic province that used to be very religious, but which has now become about as liberal as the Netherlands. It's hard to find in my society any source that might help me to reaffirm my deeply held beliefs. It's easy for Christians to be completely isolated. Your sound doctrine is being a great help to me in my life and helps to strengthen and renew my faith. Thank you so much for your great work. I wish more Christians had your courage and will not to compromise on crucial doctrinal issues, and minister to their fellow Christians with the unvarnished Word of God. God bless you! So I close with a plea for you to stop for a moment and pray for America, pray for Canada, and pray especially that the Church will stand up and be the Church! Would you take a moment and pray right now? And please also pray for us at The Pastor's Study. I am so thankful for the prayers and generous giving of you, our friends. You mean so much to us as you help us spread the Gospel of Christ. Please pray that the Lord would move in such a way that the funds would come in so that we may continue, and even expand, our TV ministry. Please pray that God would use our program to reach many, many more people with the saving Good News of Jesus Christ. In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock PS If you know someone who should see our show, but they don't have DirecTV or Dish Network, please recommend they to go to where they can watch our shows for free and which is regularly updated with our newest shows. People can also donate there using PayPal. ______________________________________________________________________________ Our ministry is possible because of the grace of God and the faithful giving of you, the friends of The Pastor's Study. If you would like to contribute, please tap on the button below.
![]() Thank you from Pastor Tom Brock! Other options for downloading or watching selected shows online. To watch the video online just click on the title (not the number in front) To Podcast the video you can use this URL. If you are using iTunes click here to start podcasting this program. To download a .m4v file of the video, click the number before the title. A .m4v file can be played offline by iTunes or VLC on both a mac and windows. It can also be played directly on an iPhone or iPad.
All material on this website can be used for free for the purposes of spreading the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.